Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Project Utopia: Roles and Responsibilities of the citizens (part 2)

Jobs of Xeonia (the rest)


Hospital workers:

These men and women are trained for the care for others, they are made up of doctors, nurses and soldiers that specialize in: birth, injuries and death.

The cultural people:

These men and women are made up of historians, scientists, painters, musicians, dancers and much more. They are tasked to find the old history of Xeonia, to discover new technologies and to entertain the population of Xeonia

The teachers:

These men and women are tasked to teach the children of Xeonia all subject possible. They are mostly made up of culture people as they are specialized in certain subjects.

The material earners:

These people are tasked to collect and process raw material like ore, oil and wood. They then process they materials into goods and weapons for the people of Xeonia.

The traders:

These people are very few in number but excel at one thing: trade. They trade with neighboring communities and bring back goods to our glorious community.

The common people:

These people have various jobs like: store clerks, restaurant owners, bankers, janitors etc... As they are various there is no point in explaining them all.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Project Utopia: Roles and Responsibilities of the citizens (part 1)

Jobs of Xeonia (political and military)

Parliament and government:

The Emperor Marius and the parliament (which is made up of ministers) govern Xeonia. Here they are places in hierarchical order:

The Emperor
The Minister of defense (military, space program, and prison island Marshal and Second in command to Emperor)
The Mayor of Xeonia (is Xeonia City's elected mayor)
The Minister of mining and industry (owner of the Owean factory and mines) 
The Minister of Culture (owner of the Museums of Xeonia as well as being second smartest man in community)
The Minister of Oil (owner of all oil fields on Xoyotan island)
The Minister of Education (owner of all schools)
The Minister of Forestry (owner of the woods of Bellancia and least important minister)



Every citizen of Xeonia is a valid citizen to join the army at all times. The military comprises of a constant group of 20 people that specialize in: crowd control (for prisoners), tactics, rocketry (all things related to flying and repairing a rocket), all things medical related, stealth, survivability, diplomatism and all other things military related . All citizens must join the army if the Emperor and his ministers decide to put our nation in a state of war. The military is, when it is not training or repairing satellites, is the group that enforces the law and makes spacial endeavors. 


Project Utopia: Anthem and Lyrics

Xeonia Gloria

(strings opening)
We came, we saw... WE CONQUERED...
we planted a seed... FOR THE FUTURE...
With the emperor WITH US... we... will.. prevail...
(Drum crash, constant thumping in beat)
Xeonia, land of the free,
XEONIA, land of the brave,
XEONIA, XEONIA, land of light...
(string accompanied with with drums)
A military that can't be beat!
A trade system that's very neat!
Oil field that are bottomless!
Industry beyond compare!
A space program that reaches the stars!
A culture that thwarts all others!
A impeccable prison, for if you go wrong!

Friday, 13 March 2015

Project Utopia: Name,Introduction, Regional Map and Flag

Our glorious flag


Letter of approved immigration.

Thank you Francis Blake, for having joined our glorious community of Xeonia. Before you Immigrate by beam, like our glorious emperor Marius did. You must Read this Information flyer and these letters of appreciation from the citizens of Xeonia.

Xeonia is a community that was established by Marius' father, Xeonus. He named this community after himself under the name of Xeonia. We are peaceful yet we do not lack in force. We need mor people abd you have been chosen.

Yours sincerely, Xeonian Parliament

A map of our glorious country with our neighbours (regional map)