Monday, 23 March 2015

Project Utopia: Roles and Responsibilities of the citizens (part 1)

Jobs of Xeonia (political and military)

Parliament and government:

The Emperor Marius and the parliament (which is made up of ministers) govern Xeonia. Here they are places in hierarchical order:

The Emperor
The Minister of defense (military, space program, and prison island Marshal and Second in command to Emperor)
The Mayor of Xeonia (is Xeonia City's elected mayor)
The Minister of mining and industry (owner of the Owean factory and mines) 
The Minister of Culture (owner of the Museums of Xeonia as well as being second smartest man in community)
The Minister of Oil (owner of all oil fields on Xoyotan island)
The Minister of Education (owner of all schools)
The Minister of Forestry (owner of the woods of Bellancia and least important minister)



Every citizen of Xeonia is a valid citizen to join the army at all times. The military comprises of a constant group of 20 people that specialize in: crowd control (for prisoners), tactics, rocketry (all things related to flying and repairing a rocket), all things medical related, stealth, survivability, diplomatism and all other things military related . All citizens must join the army if the Emperor and his ministers decide to put our nation in a state of war. The military is, when it is not training or repairing satellites, is the group that enforces the law and makes spacial endeavors. 


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