Monday, 6 April 2015

Project Utopia: Second diary entry

//  diary entry #1467 citizen #199 26/m// positive? =true negative? =false //

Dear diary,

It turns out I have to report today to “Sector 32”so I’m going to have to take the military ferry. Can you believe that! I get to be right next to my fellow soldiers! Anyway, I have to go to work so I’ll talk later.

I have so much to talk about! I had such wonderful day! Today they only showed me to the upper levels but I’m already being taught how to warden the prison and to make sure the citizens follow their schedule and make sure they go to the lower level. I’m not sure why I’m not allowed to go there but it’s something about ‘helping Xeonia thrive in the face of impending danger’ but I was assured I would be shown down there in the next month or so. Anyway, I had a good day and I need to sleep because I need to wake up early for some ‘warden meeting’ in the morning.

See you,


Project Utopia: Maps

Cultural island
Onflea military base

Owea island

Space center

Upra national park

Foris-tree island

Xeonia city

Xoyotan island
Sector 32 (prison)

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Project Utopia: First diary entry

//diary entry #1337 citizen #199 26/m// positive? =true  negative? =false//

Dear diary,

Its been only one week since I've been beamed in here but everyone’s talking about the batter ball championships. I’m not very sure what batter ball is but it was given to me in my information flyer, very confusing. Anyway the championship is due in three days and that’s not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about how I finally got a job acceptance in something they call “sector 32”; not sure what it is though I have to report at the military base in 6-7 days but at least I get to play batter ball. Well I need to find myself a team and I heard the eagle winners are looking for people to join them. I’m not sure what i'll end up as; probably a striker because I was really good and making hoops in my childhood.

See you soon,


Project Utopia: Economical System

Xeonian currency

Xeonia has a different currency than the one we use in hk, but it uses a simalar currency: the Xeonian Hinok. This currency is like a US dollar but for every 3 US dollar, there is 1 Hinok. People use Hinoks to buy everything except for  using vehicles. Citizens earn HInoks by working for the community and by doing community services. Xeonia trades with Impeccabelum, a communtiy to the West of Xeonia.

Project Utopia: Food and Cuisine

Food in Xeonia

In Xeonia, we have a multitude of different types of foods from different cultures such as, japanese, french, chinese, vietnamese, algerian and much more. Xeonian citizens have a multitude of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner but must eat healthily because our community needs healthy bodies.

Project Utopia: Recreation

Recreation in Xeonia

Xeonian people have many choices of things to do in their free time such as sports, arts and crafts, community service and more. But there is one main sport in xeonia that is called batter ball. 

Batter ball:

Batter ball is a game where 2 teams must compete for the other team's object (ball, doll, wallet, helmet, phone etc...) through means of infiltration and tactics. The name batter ball comes from the second winning: getting a leather ball into the opposing team's net ( a football net mixed with a basketball hoop) by the means of hitting, kicking, batting, carrying the ball into the net of into the hoop. Games are usually played on a 2 by 2 km  area with different features such as woods and plains. The games can last as up to 7 days because you must first discover what the object is then to find and retrieve the object and give it to the umpire, but for every time the ball goes into the net, the team that scored gets 1 point. The teams are made up of 5 to 45 people and there are 5 types of people: the leader: who makes sure his teams functions properly, the runner: who is the one who gets the object, the infiltrator: who gets the information needed about the object, the striker: who uses the ball to score points and to defend from the ball and the wall: whose sole purpose is to stop people from getting the object or from scoring a point. To defend the ball from scoring a point, you must tackle the opponent so that he must get rid of the ball and give it to you or return the object.

Project Utopia: Transportation

Vehicles of Xeonia

Xeonia has a multitude of vehicles at the people's disposal. The three vehicles that are mainly used are: by foot, by bike and by electric car. All vehicles are free and are funded by the government.

Project Utopia: Laws and Punishments

Laws and punishments of Xeonia

In Xeonia, we have laws and they must be respected. There are 3 degrees of laws. 1 being the lowest offence that can be punishable by a fine to 3 being full blown imprisonment for life. There are rules.

1st degree laws and punishments:

First degree laws are punishable by a fine are  the least serious laws. 

1. No foul language to each other.
2. No foul language or derogatory terms towards our soldiers and our government.
3. No acts of nudity in public

2nd degree laws and punishments:

second degree laws are punishable by a time in prison decided by the judge.

1. No petty theft
2. No tax evasion
3. No refusing governmental requests
4. No acts of repeated theft

3rd degree laws and punishments:

Third degree laws are punishable by life in prison.

1. No murder
2. No rape
3. No theft of government property
4. No attempts of murder

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Project Utopia: Education

The Schools of Xeonia

All children in Xeonia between the age so 3 and 25 must go to schools that teach about everything from history to english. There are 4 schools in Xeonia: Somerset kindergarten, Waterford school, Acadia middle schools and high school and the Eureka institute. All education is free in Xeonia but there are taxes which will make sure the teachers are paid respectively.

Somerset kindergarten:

This kindergarten is for the ages of 3 to 5 and it is not compulsory to go this school. This school will teach basic reading and writing skills as well as basic math with shapes.

Waterford school:

This school is for the ages of 6 to 9 and it is compulsory to go to this school. This school will teach all subjects a normal british school would have.

Acadia middle school and High school:

This school is for the ages of 10 to 18 and will teach normal subject. The students after the age of 13 will starts to specialize in their future jobs.

Eureka institute:

This school is for the ages of 19 to 25 and is the final school the people will go to. This school is only for the people to specialize in their training.